The Gadget Show Live 2016 featuring the Omnio Stroller

Last week I was invited to preview the Omnio Stroller at the Gadget Show Live at the Birmingham NEC. The Omnio Stroller promises to compact so…

Foodie Friday #7 – Birthday Cake Bake Off!

You may have noticed that Foodie Friday has taken a bit of a back seat recently. As much as I would love to be able…

Our Adventures in New York City – Part One.

The opportunity recently arose for Baby wetriotravel and I to travel to New York. It was all very last-minute and exciting. Mr wetriotravel had a…

Coming soon…New York with a baby!

I have been super quiet on the blog over the last few weeks and those of you who know me will know it is because…

Foodie Friday #6 – Cheesy Pastry Letters

Foodie Friday this week is super simple and totally kid friendly. Xavi was sent home from school with the class cooking book this week and…

Creating Super Cool Beds for Boys

So, it’s official, my boys are growing up. Too fast I sometimes think! Thomas, Fireman Sam and Octonauts are out and they now seem to…

Happy Mondays #7 – Surviving Half Term

So, I survived half term! And actually I think the kids had a little bit of fun!! Without sending the older two children off to…