Monday Escapes: Welcome from your new hosts!

Hello, and welcome to the return of Monday Escapes, from your new hosts; me, Daisy and the lovely Katy from Otis and Us

Firstly I would like to just take a minute to say a big thank you to the outgoing Monday Escapes hosts Lisa, Claire, Karen and Sarah, who I’m sure you’ll agree have done such a wonderful job of hosting for the past few years. 

Personally I have found Monday Escapes to be such a help and a place of inspiration since I started blogging. Not only has the sharing and exposure associated with this linky helped my blog develop, but reading all the wonderful posts linked up each time has provided such a great source of inspiration, both with developing my own writing and of course for adding to my ever-growing travel bucket list!

Your new hosts

Secondly it is only right that I introduce myself, and I know Katy will be doing the same across on her blog today too. 
I’m Daisy and I blog here at WE TRIO TRAVEL which is a family travel blog.





A wonderful thing has happened this holiday, my boys have got to the stage where they can (and want to!) take pictures, so there are actually quite a few pics of me! A perfect opportunity for me to introduce myself to new followers, and to also say hello to those already following. I’m Daisy, a 34yo mum of 3, originally from London but now based in Surrey. My blog (link in bio) is based all around our family travel adventures, mostly about our family holidays and days out that we have booked and paid for ourselves, but also honest reviews that we have been asked to do. I genuinely love to pass on the highs and lows of our #familytravel, in the hope that it can help and inspire other families to try new destinations with their kids. (Also, this picture is perfect for the @cyohappy #cyohappy #brightcolours today 😊)

A post shared by Daisy Huntington (@wetriotravel) on

I am a mum to three cheeky little travellers and am based in Surrey in the UK. We love nothing more than heading out on our next adventure, be it close to home or further afield, and are not afraid to do so with our three kids in tow! 

Our most recent trip took us to Andalusia in Spain, where we hired a car and took a bit of a road trip taking in the famous towns of Granada, Malaga and Old Marbella, as well as the stunning traditional whitewashed villages up in the hills, with a few Costa Del Sol beach days thrown in. 

I am really excited for the next chapter of Monday Escapes and I really hope we can do justice to what Lisa, Claire, Karen and Sarah have built up. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone in this lovely online community and can’t wait to welcome more and more bloggers as we go. 

A reminder: What is Monday Escapes?

Monday Escapes is a place to share and look back at your favourite travel memories; from day trips, to trips of a life time and anything else in between. It doesn’t always have to be a written post, we would love you to share your favourite travel snapshots too. Monday Escapes is simply a place for you to link up with any travel experience that you want to share.

The linky is now run by Katy at Otis and Us and myself here at WE TRIO TRAVEL.

What’s in it for you?

The top thing is of course that you’ll be sharing your lovely travel posts with a like-minded community and grabbing some travel inspiration for yourself. As a bonus you have a chance to have your blog post featured on mine and Katy’s blogs each fortnight, introducing your blog to even more people. We will also re-tweet anyone who uses the #MondayEscapes hashtag. 

We are also absolutely delighted that Lonely Planet have been kind enough to continue to offer our number one favourite blog post of the fortnight either a destination guide, or a title from the Lonely Planet Kids range. (See T&C’s below). Another great reason to link up with Monday Escapes!

How does Monday Escapes work? 

• Link up to one post/photo – old or new.
• Please make sure to include the Monday Escapes badge (you will find the code below) at the bottom of the post, on your site, or a link back to the hosts.
• Posts are anything travel-related, and can include photos, reviews, days out, attractions and walks – at home or abroad.
Comment on posts by the co-hosts and at least two others. Blog linkys only work if you share the comment love. That’s why they’re so great! Make sure you add #MondayEscapes to the end of your comment so people can see where you’ve come from. 
• If you tweet either of us your links @daisyhuntington and @Otisandus_blog please use #MondayEscapes and we will be sure to retweet.
• Similarly, if you want to show off your photos on Instagram using #MondayEscapes, we will show those photos some love too.

Monday Escapes will go live every two weeks, alternating between both Katy and I, and will be open Monday to Wednesday. Every fortnight we will be giving a shout out to some of our favourite posts and photos. There is also a MondayEscapes Pinterest Board – so if you’d like to start pinning some of your favourite photos, do get in touch.

Badge Code

We have a spangly new badge for this new era of Monday Escapes!




Before linking up, please make sure you have added the Monday Escapes badge to your post. Here is the code that you will need:


Join the fun!

All that’s left to do is link up those wonderful travel posts of yours! We can’t wait to read them. 

T&Cs for the Lonely Planet winner: Each fortnight the hosts will choose one favourite posts from all those linked up. The winner will be contacted and will be able to choose either a Lonely Planet destination guide or Lonely Planet Kids title. This prize can only be sent to winners in the UK and Europe only. There is no cash alternative. Hosts’ decision is final.



  1. September 17, 2018 / 9:18 am

    So lovely to see #MonayEscapes return! Wishing you all the best! I’ve tried to add the badge, but doesn’t appear to be working right for me?!

    • wetriotravel
      September 17, 2018 / 1:28 pm

      Hi! Yes, I had a bit of teething problems with the badge this morning but it should be working now! Let me know if you still have trouble with it though (or feel free to just link to this post instead of having a badge).
      Looking forwards to reading you post!

  2. September 17, 2018 / 12:06 pm

    how nice that you and Katy are the new hosts! just linked my post, thanks for the invite on Twitter

    • wetriotravel
      September 17, 2018 / 1:26 pm

      Ah brilliant – look forward to reading it!

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