Monday Escapes: 25/02/19

Hello and welcome to another week of Monday Escapes. What gorgeous weather we’ve had here in the UK! It has made me feel ready for summer adventures for sure!

What have we been up to since last time?

It has been half term for us, so the kids have been off of school/nursery. However, unfortunately I have not been able to enjoy the time off with them or the gorgeous weather mentioned above, because I’ve been recovering from a foot op. So firstly let me apologise for any delay in reading and commenting on your lovely posts from last time – I’ve been in a real post op haze!

My lovely doggo has been looking after me 😍

The operation went well, but I have been off of my feet for nearly two weeks now, only venturing out a couple of times and finding it hard when I have!

We drove down to Brighton to get a bit of sea air on a very spring like day. We paid premium to park in the carpark close to the beach so that my walking would be minimal. It was lovely to see the kids have so much fun.

And we stayed slightly closer to home and took a drive to the Surrey Hills too, where we had a lovely Sunday roast in one of our favourite pubs there. I obviously couldn’t partake in a walk beforehand, but hopefully I’ll be fully recovered soon.

I also did lots of of sitting in the garden wrapped in a sleeping bag just to get some fresh air and sun rays!!

Enough about me! On to this week’s Monday Escapes…

Our favourite posts from last time

I really enjoyed this post from Catherine at Cultural Wednesdays all about their stay at Colditz Castle…yes, they stayed at Colditz Castle, and in the Youth Hostel no less! I had absolutely no idea that there was even accomodation at Colditz but to know there is real family friendly accomodation is really interesting.

Katy had to pick Typical Mummy and her post on Penmon Point this week. She says “without this post I would not have visited Penmon point during our half term. I didn’t know anything about this beautiful place – so thank you Ella!!!”

Our Lonely Planet Winner

Our winner this week is Ella from Typical Mummy with her post about Penmon in Anglesey, as not only did it inspire Katy to head and discover somewhere new with her family, but it also bought back amazing memories of my own visit to Penmon as a child that I had forgotten all about until reading this post!

Get in touch to claim your prize, Ella!

A reminder: What is Monday Escapes

Monday Escapes is a place to share and look back at your favourite travel memories; from day trips, to trips of a life time and anything else in between. It doesn’t always have to be a written post, we would love you to share your favourite travel snapshots too. Monday Escapes is simply a place for you to link up with any travel experience that you want to share.

What’s in it for you?

The main thing is of course that you’ll be sharing your awesome travel posts with a like-minded community and grabbing some travel inspiration for yourself. As a bonus you have a chance to have your blog post featured on mine and Katy’s blogs each fortnight, introducing your blog to even more people. We will also re-tweet anyone who uses the #MondayEscapes hashtag. Our joint favourite post each fortnight will win either a Lonely Planet  destination guide, or a title from the Lonely Planet Kids range (See T&C’s below). Another great reason to link up with Monday Escapes!

Lonely Planet prizes

Each week Lonely Planet are kind enough to offer either a destination guide, or a title from the Lonely Planet Kids range to the writer of our favourite post each fortnight. (See T&C’s below).

So how does Monday Escapes work?

• Link up to one post/photo – old or new. 
• Please make sure to include the Monday Escapes badge at the bottom of the post, on your site, or a link back to the hosts.
• Posts are anything travel-related, and can include photos, reviews, days out, attractions and walks – at home or abroad.
• Comment on posts by the co-hosts and at least two others. Blog linkys only work if you share the comment love. That’s why they’re so great! Make sure you add #MondayEscapes to the end of your comment so people can see where you’ve come from. 
• If you tweet either of us your links @daisyhuntington and @Otisandus_blog please use #MondayEscapes and we will be sure to retweet.
• Similarly, if you want to show off your photos on Instagram using #MondayEscapes, we will show those photos some love too.

Monday Escapes will go live every two weeks, alternating between both Katy and I, and will be open Monday to Wednesday. Every fortnight we will be giving a shout out to some of our favourite posts and photos. There is also a MondayEscapes Pinterest Board – so if you’d like to start pinning some of your favourite photos, do get in touch.

Now over to you!

All that’s left is for you to link ups your wonderful travel related posts 😊 You will find the badge code and InLinkz link up below.

Don’t forget to add our badge to your post before linking up!


Link up here:

Inlinkz Link Party

Lonely Planet T&Cs

T&Cs for the Lonely Planet winner: Each fortnight the hosts will choose one favourite posts from all those linked up. The winner will be contacted and will be able to choose either a Lonely Planet destination guide or Lonely Planet Kids title. This prize can only be sent to winners in the UK and Europe only. There is no cash alternative. Hosts’ decision is final.


  1. February 25, 2019 / 1:59 pm

    Wishing you a speedy recovery Daisy! What bad timing, but hopefully you can rest up more now the kids are back at school!

  2. March 1, 2019 / 8:06 pm

    Your doggo is so sweet and looks like the perfect nurse while you recuperated. I’m sure my pup Bailey would do the same for me, as I can’t leave a room without him trotting along. I would love to visit Brighton on my next trip to England — love the photo of the beach!

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