Bruges at Christmas with Kids

With the promise of pretty buildings, picturesque waterways, beer, chocolate and plenty of Christmas cheer, I was super excited at the prospect of heading for a weekend in Bruges.

The booking was all very last minute, which despite adding to the excitement, caused a few problems with finding accommodation – it would seem we were not the only ones in search of a magical Christmas weekend! It turns out you need to book accommodation far in advance. After a sea of grey dots on TripAdvisor, we finally found an apartment within a B&B not too far out of the centre. We were good to go!

We live an easy hour or so drive from the Euro Tunnel terminal and so after getting up super early, we zipped straight there and boarded our train. It was still dark when we arrived in Calais, and started the very straightforward drive to Bruges. I didn’t realise just how easy the journey would be so I was surprised to see that we had arrived at our B&B before 10am!

We were able to check in early, but we just grabbed our room key and started what turned out to be a bit of a farcical journey into central Bruges. There was a bus stop opposite the B&B, which from our research would take us towards the centre very easily. We headed straight there, only to find out that the buses were only every hour and we had just missed one. We decided to walk and keep an eye out for a taxi, which of course we never found!  After a mile or so of walking we ended up just waiting for the bus which, as we expected, took us very quickly towards town, and we jumped off near one of the gateposts to the old town. The bus journey turned out to be free (a seasonal promotion) and if we had organised ourselves a bit better, it could have been the simplest journey.

I am not sure if it was this difficult and lengthy journey into town that set the kids into meltdown mode, or if they were just under the weather/tired/bored/all of the above, but from this point on their behaviour was difficult to say the least! We had one boy being super cheeky, one being overly sensitive, and their little sister screeching and grumping at every opportunity. I have to say, they proved to be very difficult sightseeing companions and even worse dining companions!! But, we had come all this way so we tried (and I often failed) to plaster a smile on and try to make the most out of the day.

Christmas Decorations

The first thing that struck me about Bruges was just how christmassy it was. It honestly felt like a fairy tale town, with decorations reminiscent of Disneyland. Almost every shop is adorned with the most beautiful decorations and the smell of gluhwein hangs in the air. All it needed was a dusting of snow and I truly would have thought I was walking on the set of a Christmas movie! Between the bickering, I did see glimmers of awe in the kids faces, and Baby wetriotravel stopped screeching every now and again to point at pretty lights and say “wow!” in her cutest voice. So I hope it wasn’t completely lost on them.

Chocolate Shops

Checking out the famous chocolate shops was definitely on my wish list, well Belgian chocolate is renowned after all! You certainly won’t struggle to find them, they are everywhere. Some are obviously on the tour guide itinerary and are so packed full of tourists that you can’t even get through the door, but it is easy to find another. The window displays are amazing, ranging from traditional:

To fun:

To live theatre:

In an attempt to cheer the kids up we bought them some chocolate from a beautiful shop with a vast selection of goodies. One of them may have grumpily declared that it was “too rich” but I certainly enjoyed it!!

The Belfort

We’d come into this weekend with very lose ideas about what we wanted to do, which is sometimes a lovely approach. But the one thing we were certain we wanted to do was head to the famous Belfort tower and climb up it if the queues were not too bad.

Thankfully we were in luck and after waiting for about 10minutes, we were ready to start our climb. My lack of planning caught up with me at this point and I didn’t quite realise just how hard the climb up would be. Not only were the stairs very narrow, uneven and slippery, but the kids decided to throw some challenging behaviour into the mix too; Baby wetriotravel obviously needed to be carried up the stairs but she fiercely wanted to climb all by herself, and our 5 year old decided half way up that he had a very intense fear of heights and small spaces and needed verbal coaching to climb up and back down!

Despite these challenges, we made it all the way up! We were even rewarded with the quarter hour chimes of the bells, literally just above our heads! The view from the top was slightly reminicent of our view from the top of the Eiffel Tower a few Christmases previously, which was a shame.

Belgian Beer

What chocolate is for me, beer is for Mr wetriotravel and Bruges certainly doesn’t disappoint in that department!

We booked to have lunch at The Half Moon Brewery, which is a functioning brewery which also has a bar and restaurant on site. We had sensibly decided to wait until the day to see how the kids were feeling before booking a brewery tour and we decided against it considering the moods they were in!

Despite not being able to enjoy a tour, Mr wetriotravel enjoyed pairing a few different beers with his meal and I even ditched my normal glass of wine and joined him!

Later that day we ended up in another brewery completely by chance. Whilst strolling around town, in need of a break from walking, we could see a small bar terrace overlooking the canal with heaters and pretty lights. We decided to cross at the nearest bridge and hunt it out. We discovered that it was another working brewery with bar, the Bourgogne des Flandres, and whilst the kids filled up on juice and played on their Kindles, we sampled a few more beers. I opted for a lovely raspberry beer and Mr wetriotravel had the house beer which he loved so much we left there laden down with some bottles to enjoy at home.

The Christmas Market

I’m not sure what I was expecting from the Christmas Market in Bruges, but what ever it was, unfortunately I was not massively impressed.

The market, although spread across two sites, was actually a lot smaller than I was expecting. The main site was in front of the Belfort at Market Square. It did have beautifully pretty lights in the form of trees, which even sparkled brightly during the day, and the ice rink looked loads of fun (if not a bit melted!), but other than that it was very simple; with a few rows of wooden hut stalls mostly selling food and drink.

Daytime view of the Bruges Christmas Market taken from one of the tiny windows of the Belfort

At the smaller site on square Simon Stevinplein we found some fun fair rides, modern rather than traditional, again surrounded by wooden hut stalls. The kids loved the modern carousel, with Baby wetriotravel having her first ever turn on one.

I was definitely more taken with Bruges as a whole with its wonderful architecture, decorations, and general Christmas atmosphere than I was by simply the Christmas market.

The Windmills

On our second and final day in Bruges, we decided to give the kids some time to let off some steam before making them do one final short sightseeing walk. So we headed to the windmills that sit just to the east of the city centre.

We found three traditional windmils in a small area of park, each perched on top of quite a steep mound.  It was such a beautiful morning, with perfectly clear blue skies. The boys were desperate to get started and ran up the hill to the first one whilst we were still getting Baby wetriotravel out of the car!

We all loved walking up and down the the windmills in the small park, it was certainly a world away from the busy streets of Bruges and the boys seemed to be grateful of the change of scenery and opportunity to run free.

Perfectly situated across the road from the windmills is a small cafe/pub, aptly named De Windmolen. We grabbed a seat outside and had a coffee whilst the boys continued running. Although it was a beautifully sunny day, it was still very cold. We both agreed that Bruges would be amazing during the summer, and the local man sitting next to us told us it  gets busier with tourists then too!

A Visit to De Haan

Although not in Bruges, this seaside town is only around half an hour away and was definitely worth the visit. Whether you are in Bruges with kids or not, it is a great place to escape the busyness of the city – which we felt the kids definitely needed!

With a vast sandy beach, shops, restaurants, and one of the best kids playgrounds, we certainly enjoyed it.

Despite the kids not being on top form (at all!!) all weekend, I still fell in love with Bruges. With beautiful and surprising architecture at every step, and an abundance of good food, beer, and chocolate, what’s not to love?!

Despite being a strong believer in family travel, I have to admit that I am already planning a trip back with out the kids!




Wander Mum



  1. January 3, 2017 / 7:39 pm

    Bruges has always seemed to me like the perfect place to spend the holidays. I can only imagine how insanely good those chocolate shops must be. And the beer:).

    • wetriotravel
      January 9, 2017 / 12:21 pm

      It really is the perfect place to visit at Christmas! But actually I also think it would still be fab at any time of year. I definitely plan to head back soon!
      Thanks for reading. x

  2. pennyalexander
    January 5, 2017 / 1:33 pm

    Loved this account, travel is always so unpredictable with kids! Mine always go completely loopy on the first day somewhere new, always and without fail – we’ve finally realised we need to work with them on that, not against but it has only taken 8 years. I really want to go (beer and chocolate is such a good combo) and loved seeing your photos.

    • wetriotravel
      January 9, 2017 / 12:23 pm

      Thanks Penny!
      Definitely need to start working with the kids to ease through the initial holiday shock they seem to get.
      Hope you manage to make it over there soon – I definitely want to go back!
      Thanks for reading. x

  3. January 10, 2017 / 9:00 pm

    I visited Bruges in August so it looked slightly different. I think I might have to pay it a visit over the Christmas period aswell as its looks so magical and all the chocolate would be amazing

    • wetriotravel
      January 12, 2017 / 7:36 pm

      How was it in August? I’d love to go back and am thinking maybe Spring.
      I can definitely recommend visiting at Christmas – it is magical for sure!
      Thanks for reading. x

  4. Hendrik
    January 10, 2017 / 9:37 pm

    This seems to be one of the really beautiful and charming Christmas markets! I have seen quite good ones in Germany and now in Switzerland as well (Zurich and Lucerne are amazing) but the Bruge one also looks charming. Could be maybe an option for this years Christmas… its just only 3hundredsomething days till then left 😉

    • wetriotravel
      January 12, 2017 / 7:39 pm

      Never to early to think about Christmas!!
      I think I may start a family tradition of visiting a different market each year – Germany definitely seems to have a great selection.
      Thanks for reading. x

  5. January 10, 2017 / 10:00 pm

    I’ve always wanted to visit Bruges but never had the chance to, despite having lived for 3+ years in Europe. The city really looks Christmassy from your photos! The Christmas Market looks great as well!

  6. natalietanner
    January 10, 2017 / 10:05 pm

    Oh, those sweet faces gazing intently at the pretty decorations over the archway. So cute!! I’ve heard Bruges is impossibly beautiful and then decorated at Christmas it has to be just magical. Love the photos! We always travel with the kids, too, and they would so enjoy this!

    • wetriotravel
      January 12, 2017 / 7:41 pm

      It really is a beautiful place! The decorations are amazing but I know that it will still stunning without them.
      Thanks for reading. x

  7. January 10, 2017 / 11:12 pm

    It’s unfortunate your kids weren’t at their best behavior but it seems the windmills got the boys really excited (a slither of hope). At least you got to visit Bruges – a city I would love to go to one day!

  8. January 11, 2017 / 9:54 am

    it looks great in winter! I’ve visited it in April two years ago. loved it! #citytripping

    • wetriotravel
      January 12, 2017 / 7:45 pm

      Oooh, how was it in April? I really want to go back and am thinking Spring.
      Thanks for reading. x

      • January 12, 2017 / 10:08 pm

        it was great! green and warm:)

  9. Trish @ Mum's Gone To
    January 11, 2017 / 12:37 pm

    I love how honest you’ve been about your children – it isn’t always easy travelling with kids. Bruges does look so beautful – and the effort each shop has made to make it christmassy is great to see.

    I’ve been thinking about going to Bruges for years and hadn’t thought about driving from Calais; I’d always thought we would go by train. Will definitely look into that option.

    • wetriotravel
      January 12, 2017 / 7:53 pm

      The drive from Calais was so simple, I didn’t realise how easy it was. If you don’t live too far from Folkstone, it is a super easy journey altogether.
      I did dither about writing about the challenging behaviour, but I think it was important to be honest.
      Thanks for reading. x

  10. January 11, 2017 / 8:30 pm

    Bruges is such a cute historic town and I would love to visit during Christmastime! That’s unfortunate that you weren’t very impressed with the Christmas market – it does look smaller than most in Europe, but then again Bruges is a smaller city. I do like how there’s an ice rink in the middle of the market though! And yay so happy to see you guys made it to De Halve Maan! I randomly stumbled upon it when I was in Bruges, took the tour (which was great), had some beers there, and then randomly met the owner of the brewery in Chicago (my hometown) a year later during our Craft Beer Week. What a small world right?! Anyway glad to see you had a great trip and looks like the kids enjoyed it too. 🙂

    • wetriotravel
      January 12, 2017 / 7:58 pm

      How funny that you met the owner of the brewery halfway across the world!
      We would have loved to have done the tour but the kids were not in the right frame of mind that weekend!
      Thanks for reading. x

  11. January 11, 2017 / 9:57 pm

    I looove Belgian beer and chocolate! (Belgian chocolate beer is also quite delicious btw). Bruges is an amazing city. The romantic atmosphere, the canals, the architecture…I love it. The Christmas decorations look lovely. Would love to see it in person!

    • wetriotravel
      January 12, 2017 / 7:59 pm

      Chocolate beer – interesting! I love fruit beer but haven’t had chocolate beer yet!
      Thanks for reading. x

  12. January 11, 2017 / 11:03 pm

    Ive often thought about going to Bruges – it’s so easy with the Eurostar, but it looks like I’ll have to wait till next Christmas now as it looks so pretty at that time of year! The lights are beautiful but the best bit…all that chocolate!

    • wetriotravel
      January 12, 2017 / 7:34 pm

      The chocolate is definitely amazing!! It is fab at Christmas for sure but I’d love to go back during Spring too.
      Thanks for reading. x

  13. January 12, 2017 / 6:53 pm

    Ah the reality of travel with kids sometimes! I did love Bruges when I visited love going ago and would love to go back with my daughter – I wonder if I could persuade my husband to drive! #citytripping

    • wetriotravel
      January 12, 2017 / 7:31 pm

      I would definitely recommend it and I think my kids would totally love it if they were on top form.
      The drive from Calais is super easy – I guess it just depends on where you live in the UK!
      Thanks for reading. x

  14. cupcakendreams
    January 12, 2017 / 9:15 pm

    I’ve always wanted to visit Bruges! Christmas time seems like an amazing time to do it! I love your pictures with the kids 🙂

    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams 

    • wetriotravel
      January 13, 2017 / 8:25 am

      It really is a lovely time to visit but I’d love to go back at another time of year. I’m sure it will be just as amazing!
      Thanks for reading. x

  15. January 16, 2017 / 8:32 pm

    I love Bruges for all the reasons you have detailed. I went at Christmas too and YES I was a bit disappointed by the markets. A few decorations, woolly hats and lots of food and drink…not entirely inspiring but the magical ambience made up for it. Shame about the little ones moods. Travel with kids is like that sometimes, ay. Thanks for linking to #citytripping

    • wetriotravel
      January 17, 2017 / 2:19 pm

      It certainly can! I almost didn’t write a post about it but eventually decided that actually I should highlight that our trips aren’t always as straightforward as they seem on Facebook and Instagram etc!
      Thanks so much for reading. x

  16. January 17, 2017 / 9:02 pm

    Wrote this post is great, so much detail. I secondly want to go to Bruges at Christmas now. Brilliant!

  17. Nanouk
    January 21, 2017 / 5:22 pm

    Seems like the first day was a bit too much with traveling and sightseeing. But I totally get that you wanted to see as much as possible of Bruges! It sounds like a great town! Beer and chocolate, what a great combo! Although, you mention you drank a few beer… I would be tipsy…

    • wetriotravel
      January 22, 2017 / 8:09 pm

      It is a great town – I’d love to go back. the beers are only small – I would be tipsy too if they were pints likewe have here in the UK!!
      Thanks for reading. x

  18. January 21, 2017 / 6:47 pm

    Thanks for the honest side of family travel which sometimes get ignored. I hope you enjoyed as much as you could!

    • wetriotravel
      January 22, 2017 / 8:07 pm

      We did – as much as possible – thanks! I nearly didn’t write a post but thought it was important to show that family travel isn’t always plain sailing.
      Thanks so much for reading. x

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