Our Adventures in New York City – Part 2

So, after a successful journey flying solo with Baby DaisLikeThse, it was time to check in to the hotel at last.

The Hotel

We were staying at the Omni Berkshire Place Hotel which was in a fantastic location in Manhattan. We were walking distance to loads of the sights and attractions on my wish list including Central Park, Grand Central Station, Times Square and loads more. The public transport links were also great.
Although I got the impression that the hotel was more aimed at the business clientel (mainly because it was booked for Mr wetriotravel’s work trip), they were great at acommodating us with Baby wetriotravel. They put a crib in the room and even a little set of baby toiletries. Each day I would request boiling water to make up a bottle and room service were there within five minutes.
I also have to mention the bed – it was massive and despite staying in many a hotel in my time I have to say that this was the comfiest hotel bed I have ever slept in!

The First Night

By the time we had arrived and settled into the hotel it was about 7pm local time and I was quite painfully aware that it was 2am ‘my time’! But with Mr wetriotravel (already slightly adjusted to the new time zone) urging me to “push through it” we headed off for a walk and for dinner. My uncle, who had moved out to New York a few months earlier, joined us and it was great to see him.
I have to say, walking around Manhattan just after dark with all the city lights and yellow taxis rushing around, it was amazing! The city was buzzing and it made me so excited for the days ahead.
We walked to the Rockafella Centre and saw the famous ice rink which was still going strong after Christmas, we saw Radio City and the NBC Studios before stopping for dinner.

We ate at Bill’s Bar & Burger where we were offered a highchair straight away and given a table where we could park our buggy next to us. Perfectly baby friendly.
This was basically a burger and beer place – which was exactly what I needed after being too nervous to eat a proper breakfast that morning followed by plane food eaten over the head of a sleeping Baby wetriotravel! I scoffed down a burger and a bottle of Corona and seriously appreciated it.

I was so  ready for my bed that night and, despite having a totally messed up routine, thankfully Baby wetriotravel was too.


Day One

The jet lag was well and truly with us and we were all well awake by around 4.30am! We decided to just roll with it and head out for a bit before Mr wetriotravel needed to head to the office.

So, at around 6am we headed out in search of a coffee and breakfast. What actually happened is that as well as stopping for that much needed bite to eat, we also walked to Grand Central Station, Times Square, Strawberry Fields and strolled back through Central Park. We’d managed all of that before 8.30am!!

Later that morning, I went on a long walk before meeting Mrwetriotravel for lunch back in Central Park. I was on a mission to find somewhere to buy a New York deli bagel with pastrami and pickles! I ended up walking quite a way and took in the United Nations building, a lovely kids playground with a great city backdrop (where I stopped to feed Baby wetriotravel her lunch), and my first up close view of the Empire State Building.

As you can see from these pictures, we seriously lucked out with the weather. In fact, the whole time we were there New York hit record temperatures for that time of year.

After lunch, Baby wetriotravel and I headed off to check out the Roosevelt Island Areal Tramway. It is a cable car (despite everyone calling it a tram!) over to Roosevelt Island which, as well as having amazing city views back across the East River, is also a pleasant place to stroll around and have a quiet sit in the park or to have a coffee.

After a quick chill out at the hotel, we headed back out for dinner. Mr DasiLikeThese’s colleague had kindly put together a list of baby friendly restaurants for us to check out so we headed to a lovely Indian restaurant nearby called Bukhara Grill. The main seating area was upstairs but seeing as Baby wetriotravel was sound asleep in her buggy, they gave us one of only a few tables downstairs. The staff was super friendly and we all seriously enjoyed the food.

Curry in a bucket – who knew!

After the meal, I left the guys to it and strolled back to the hotel (babies and bars don’t mix!) and we were so ready for bed after such a busy day! My uncle commented that I had squeezed more into my first proper day in New York than he had done in the six months that he had lived there – my feet were telling me that he was right!


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