Coming soon…New York with a baby!

I have been super quiet on the blog over the last few weeks and those of you who know me will know it is because as well as it being birthday month in the wetriotravel household, I was also lucky enough to head off on a very impromptu trip to New York with Baby wetriotravel, joining hubby who was there on a work trip.

As well as the inevitable last minute faffing involved with planning a trip with a baby, I also had the joys of last minute passport applications and coordinating child care for our two older kids and someone to have the dog.

All of this excitement and stress has put my regular blog posts on the back burner. I really hope to pick them up again soon.

In the meantime, I’m definitely working on a piece about my trip, including my experience of traveling with a baby.

So excited to write about it and reminisce about a fab few days!

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