Happy Mondays #7 – Surviving Half Term

So, I survived half term! And actually I think the kids had a little bit of fun!!

Without sending the older two children off to a club each school holidays, I often find it really tricky to entertain three kids of different ages and different interests (as well as fitting in the dog walking and general house boringness!).

This week I think I managed the perfect balance of activities and chilling out – and actually I think they sometimes really need the latter.

In the mornings we would get up and out. We went on dog walks, library trips, play dates, park trips and a visit into London. The boys also joined me and Baby wetriotravel at our weekly Bumps and Babies group which surprisingly they absolutely loved!!

In the afternoons I gave them free reign on their tablets (which are normally only allowed at weekends only) and they were so chuffed. Although I get the dreaded mum guilt for letting them play computer games, I think it encouraged them to just relax a bit rather than be constantly on the go.

As nice as it is to spend time with them, school holidays are (and I am sure most parents will agree) bloody hard work! I’m not quite sure how I manage it sometimes, but we did it without too much boredom….I think!



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