
For over a week I have been trying to capture a lovely “yay I love food!” picture to no avail!
This is baby wetriotravel ‘enjoying’ apple puree and I have a catalogue of pictures like this for every food I’ve tried so far.

Possibly time to try baby led weaning and give her a head of broccoli instead of the puree?!



  1. February 10, 2016 / 7:10 pm

    hehehe! Little one’s faces when trying new food is always so funny.

  2. February 10, 2016 / 9:53 pm

    Oh dear, she really doesn’t look like she is enjoying that! #wickedwednesday

  3. February 11, 2016 / 11:57 am

    Gawd, apple puree – I still have nightmares about scraping that (and other things) of every kitchen surface I own. I hope the weaning experience improves for you! xx #WickedWednesdays

  4. February 12, 2016 / 12:40 am

    Yep I see your point…. Im torn between a baby who won’t eat anything with lumps so I have to blend the baby jar… But wants to hold everything buy then can’t swallow it…. Im lost with this baby led stuff… #wickedwednesdays

  5. February 13, 2016 / 5:31 am

    Ah it’s still adorbs though! Thanks so much for liking up to Wicked Wednesdays. Hope to see you next week! x

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