Foodie Friday #4 – Super Simple Fortune Cookies

Just in time for Chinese New Year starting next week (Monday 8th February 2016) we have decided to attempt to make our own fortune cookies. The boys have been super excited to write their own messages to go inside!

There were so many different variations on the recipe available online and after having a complete disaster with the first recipe we tried, we then settled on this super simple recipe which worked beautifully:

  • 1 egg white
  • 4 tablespoons plain flour
  • 4 tablespoons caster sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • pinch salt

  1. Before we started with the cooking, my biggest boy did the messages that would go inside. They ranged from “good luck will find you this week” to “you will go to jail”!!
  2. Then we got on with the cooking. First we preheated the oven to 200c and then we whisked the egg white and the vanilla extract into a light foam.
  3. Next we added the caster sugar, flour and salt to the egg and mixed to form a batter.
  4. For each cookie we put a teaspoon sized blob of the batter onto a baking sheet and used the back of the spoon to spread it out to around 8cm.
  5. The cookies were baked for 5 minutes.
  6. Next is the tricky bit – where you have to be super quick!! Use a spatula to lift the cookie off of the baking sheet, turn it over (so you have the nice shiny side as the presentable bit), put a message across the middle, fold the cookie in half and then fold it over the rim of a cup, pulling the corners down slightly. I then placed them in a muffin tray to keep their shape.

    And TAHDAH:

We had great fun eating them, reading out the messages and having a laugh!

Our Reviews:

Freddie: They were really nice but I thought they were going to be soft cookies so I only score them 4/5.

Xavi: I loved them but I didn’t like the message I got! (He got “you smell” which was meant for Mr wetriotravel!) 4/5.

After the disaster we had with the first recipe we tried (which actually had a lot more ingredients than this one), I was so pleased at how well this one worked out. The cookies tasted lovely and sweet and although they didn’t quite look professional, they had the perfect crispiness and taste.
I would defnitely do these again and am already planning some valentines variations!

The Mummy Toolbox

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Monkey and Mouse



  1. February 5, 2016 / 3:07 pm

    These look like fun to make, I’m glad you found a recipe that worked. I can’t wait to see your valentines variation

  2. cvnxena
    February 6, 2016 / 12:48 pm

    I love these, and the fun you could have with what to write in them :p you could definitely stitch one or two people up! plus I didn’t have a clue how to make these but they turned out really good! Thanks for linking up to #YumTum this week x

  3. February 7, 2016 / 10:10 pm

    You make these look so simple to make! I can’t wait to give them a try. Amazing 😋 #HowToSunday

  4. February 12, 2016 / 9:49 am

    These look super easy to make, well the mixing bit, the folding is more difficult, but a,aged that you made your own fortune cookies. Poor boy when he got one saying ‘you smell’! Thanks so ugh for linking up to #Howtosunday

  5. February 12, 2016 / 10:26 pm

    I got so excited even when I saw the heading of this post. Have always wanted to try making my own but not had a clue where to start so big thanks

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