Foodie Friday #3 – Banoffee Biscuit Balls

My Facebook timeline has been flooded recently with sped-up video tutorials for simple but amazing looking recipes (apart from ‘tikka breakfast naan bread’ – which looked revolting!!). This Banoffee Biscuit Balls one had me salivating and as I knew the boys would be up for anything sweet, I thought as a treat we’d give it a go.

The ingredients were simple:

  • 400g digestive biscuits
  • 250g caramel (plus a bit extra for drizzling)
  • 1 banana, broken into pieces
  • chocolate 200g

  1. We started by popping the biscuits into a sandwich bag and using a rolling pin to smash them up. The boys LOVED this bit!!
  2. Next we put the smashed up biscuits into a bowl, and added the caramel and the banana.
  3. We used a fork to mush the banana down a bit and mix everything together
  4. When everything was blinded together we used our hands to make balls, putting them onto a plate.
  5. We then put the balls into the freezer for 15minutes.
  6. Next we melted down the chocolate. We did this for 60seconds in the microwave (stopping after 30seconds to stir).
  7. We dipped the balls in the melted chocolate, sprinkled a few biscuit crumbs on top for decoration and placed them on some greaseproof paper.
  8. They went into the fridge to cool until the chocolate had set.



Our reviews:

Freddie: “Amazing – I love love love them!” Score 5/5

Xavi: “They’re too sweet. Freddie, you can have it” Score 4/5

These were super simple to make and were soooo tasty. However, we all agreed that they were quite rich and even me with the sweetest tooth in town could only handle one!



The Mummy Toolbox


  1. January 29, 2016 / 10:45 am

    ‘Tikka breakfast naan bread?!! Not my cup of tea either! Your boys looked like they were having loads of fun! 🙂 #YumTum

    • wetriotravel
      January 29, 2016 / 3:49 pm

      Glad it’s not just me!
      Yes, they had a ball.
      Thanks for reading. x

  2. Robyn - The Years Are Short blog
    January 30, 2016 / 6:21 am

    These look delicious and lots of fun to make as a family. I have a super sweet-tooth, I bet I could eat two at least! I can’t wait till my boy is old enough to help me out in the kitchen, pottering around making treats is one of my favourite things and I hope we can share that together 🙂

    • wetriotravel
      January 30, 2016 / 7:34 am

      I did actually handle 2 with a coffee yesterday. So good!
      Having the kids help in the kitchen is a lot of fun.
      Thanks for reading. X

  3. cvnxena
    January 30, 2016 / 6:38 pm

    Wow these look amazing! and they are no bake too which is perfect – I will have to try them out and see if the sweet teeth in our house can handle them :p Thanks for sharing #YumTum

    • wetriotravel
      February 4, 2016 / 12:14 pm

      Yes do, let me know how they go down!
      Thanks for reading. x

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