Happy Mondays #3 – Busy, Fun, Family & Friends Filled Weekend!

Most weekends my overriding desire is to just sit at home in my PJs, snuggled up to baby wetriotravel watching rubbish on telly. The reality is that that never happens! I Sometimes I get to Sunday evening and wonder where the weekend went. We were so busy but what did we actually do?!

I often worry that we haven’t done enough ‘stuff’, that the boys probably prefer going into school than being at home with us while we potter around the house, take the dog for mega walks, or do the food shopping while Mr wetriotravel is around to help. I worry that they feel their weekends are nothing to write home about.

(This was actually proved by my 4year old who, when asked at school one Monday what he had done over the weekend, he simply wrote “I did nothing”)

This weekend, however, was super busy but in the best way possible; despite the obligatory clubs (swimming, rugby etc), it was filled with friends and family, fun kids parties, meals out, super dogs walks, Sunday afternoon in the pub, topped off with a curry for dinner!

Putting aside a couple of sleepless nights with baby wetriotravel, and an early wake up call from the boys and their cousins sleeping over, it was one of my favourite weekends for a while. The exertion of the long dogs walks, rugby club and swimming lessons was countered by the lazy dinners and relaxed pub afternoons. The lack of time snuggled on the sofa didn’t seem so bad after catching up with friends and family. And the mess of the house fell firmly to the back of my mind whilst watching the kids have so much fun!

I wish all weekends were like this. As much as the weekends do sometimes need to be about catching up on things that I haven’t managed to get done whilst on solo mum duty all week, I also need to make an effort to forget about the mundane stuff and be a lot more sociable!

Oh, and I did get a bit of a sofa snuggle!

my petit canard





  1. January 30, 2016 / 12:59 pm

    I feel like this this weekend! So far today, all Archie and I have done is nothing. He’s now napping while I catch up with blogging. It’s a part of life and one that we should definitely be ok with (though I do feel bad sometimes). Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays! Kaye xo

    • wetriotravel
      February 4, 2016 / 12:17 pm

      We def need the chill weekends! It is the weekends where I end up doing loads, but nothing fun (food shopping, cleaning etc) that I hate.
      Thanks for reading. x

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