Happy Mondays #2 – Snow and Ice!

Isn’t it amazing how a light dusting of snow can cause such happiness and hysteria in children?! It’s nearly as exciting as a frozen puddle or pond!

Well, last week we were lucky enough to have both.

Friday’s school run saw the first frozen puddles of winter here in Surrey. The boys were SO excited. They spent the whole walk racing ahead to find the next one, before promptly stamping the crap out of it!

On Saturday they were delighted to find the canal lock along our dog walk had frozen too, and joined by the biggest boy of the family, Mr wetriotravel, they proceeded to do what boys love to do – throw sticks and stones to try to break it.

Sunday saw the lightest dusting of snow, like icing sugar dusted over a Victoria Sponge. But when the boys spotted it, you’d have thought we were looking out onto the fresh deep powder of a ski run!

It was early on a Sunday morning and the cries of excitement were more noise than I am normally happy to deal with at that time, but hey, their happiness and excitement were contagious and I started my Sunday with a big smile on my face too!!

I hauled up at home with baby wetriotravel, and by the time we ventured out the snow had turned to horrible wet slush so I missed out on all the photo ops. But the picture above of Buddy that Mr wetriotravel took pretty much sums up how excited everyone was about the snow!

my petit canard


  1. January 18, 2016 / 11:12 am

    I’m so jealous of all the snow pictures, we have had none, that said the slushy stage isn’t much fun, just the lovely new fallen stuff. Glad you got to enjoy a little #MarvMondays

  2. wetriotravel
    January 18, 2016 / 12:03 pm

    Hate the slush! Hope you get some snow your way this winter. Thanks for reading. x

  3. January 18, 2016 / 8:00 pm

    If we wake up to a carpet of snow I’ll have more than the kids bouncing of the walls in our house! Hubby is obsessed with weather ha ha.

    • wetriotravel
      January 18, 2016 / 8:38 pm

      If it’s proper snow, I’m like that too!!
      Thanks for reading. X

  4. January 24, 2016 / 5:51 pm

    How lovely! I can imagine just how excited all your boys were :-). We were lucky enough to have a few inches of snow in our part of surrey last weekend and it just made the little ladys day! Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays

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