Happy Mondays – #1

Welcome to the first week of my Happy Mondays blog post – a chance for me to have a think about something positive that has happened, something that makes me happy, or something fun – the possibilities are endless!

Here goes: This week marks one year since we picked up our crazy Greyhound puppy from the Dogs Trust. He was part of a litter that was taken in over Christmas 2014, and as such they were all given Christmas names; he was called Santa! Despite the boys wanting to keep the name, Mr wetriotravel and I couldn’t face the prospect of shouting “here Santa!” across the park mid-August, So we renamed him Buddy.

To say Buddy has been a pleasure for the past year would be a massive lie! He has been ridiculously hard work – harder than the three kids put together.

Catch my drift?!

But, he has really settled down and is now simply a lovely dog (most of the time!). He is amazing with the kids, he is crazy and funny – a real entertainer, he’s beautiful to watch running, he loves to play rugby and he can sleep, and sleep and sleep!!

Despite being such hard work, he has become part of the family. When he is not with us for any reason we all miss him.
He came on a staycation to Wales last Summer and we are planning on bringing him to France this Summer – I can’t wait for the adventure with him!

He brings smiles to our faces everyday. It is so easy to remember and moan about the cheeky stuff he has got up to, but for all the turned out bins or chewed jackets, there is comedy moment, a snuggle or an adventure to replace it.

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